Aquarium guide
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Anoptichthys jordani

Anoptichthys jordani

As a result of geological upheavals, the blind cave tetra found itself trapped in a number of subterranean rivers in Mexico. Over the course of time it lost the use of its eyes, but it can still find its food on the riverbed, thanks to its sense of smell. The sensory organs of its lateral line allow it to avoid obstacles, even unanticipated ones, such as the human hand. Size: 8-10 cm.

Anoptichthys jordani

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ВЕЖИНСКИЙ (Wierzynski) Казимеж (1884-1969) , польский поэт и прозаик. Один из членов группы "Скамандр". С 1939 в эмиграции, скончался в Лондоне. Сборники лирики "Весна и вино" (1919), "Трагическая свобода" (1936), "Земля-волчица" (1941), "Черный полонез" (1968). Книга очерков "Моя личная Америка" (1966).