Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Dimidiochromis compressiceps

Dimidiochromis compressiceps

The long, flat head and slim, elongate body characterize the Malawian eye-biter, whose name derives from its reputation for devouring the eyes of other fish. It swims with head tilted slightly downwards ready to seize its prey. A typical habitat would be a sandy bed with plantations of Vallisneria. Size: 15-20 cm.

Dimidiochromis compressiceps

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УОЛФИШ-БЕЙ город и главный порт Намибии , на берегу одноименного залива. Ок. 26 тыс. жителей (1977). Рыболовство и рыбоконсервные заводы.