Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Symphysodon discus discus

Symphysodon discus discus

The Heckel discus has only three dark transverse bands. Unlike its cousins - the subspecies and varieties of S. aequifasciatus, which are mainly raised in captivity - the Heckel discus is usually procured from the wild. Tens of thousands of fish of these species are exported every year; there is little data concerning the nfluence of these culls on the natural population, but these Cichlids do not appear to be endangered. As a matter of nterest, the Heckel forms a modest food resource, on a very localized basis, for certain native populations. Size: 10-15 cm.

Symphysodon discus discus

<< Symphysodon aequifasciata Synodontis nigriventris >>

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