Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Acanthurus sohal

Acanthurus sohal

The sohal tang is one of the most beautiful of the Acanthurids. It can accept artificial vegetable food, but it prefers to feed on brine shrimps and ground mussels. Its territorial behavior sometimes makes it aggressive. Size: 25 cm.

Acanthurus sohal

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УКАЧИН Борис Укачинович (р . 1936), алтайский писатель. Стихи, баллады, поэмы (сборники "Дороги", 1960, "Эхо вечного Алтая", 1977, "Календарь души", 1982); повести и рассказы (сборники "Горные духи", 1971, "В начале зимы", 1981).