Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



Some small species can occasionally be found in the aquarium trade. In captivity, it is best to keep a single specimen, which can be fed on nauplii of brine shrimps or very fine slithers of mussels. Species of the Neopetrolisthes genus (porcelain crabs) live in symbiosis with anemones (for example, Stichodactyla gigantea) and feed on small particles using a pair of claws equipped with tiny fringes. Size: 4-5 cm.


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МИЛЛЕ (Millet) Жан Франсуа (1814-75) , французский живописец и график. Реалистически изображал крестьянскую жизнь, часто с социально-критическим оттенком ("Сборщицы колосьев", 1857; "Анжелюс", 1859).