Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



In marine aquariums, it is not the salinity of water which is measured, but the density (often expressed as specific gravity, S.G.), which can be calculated according to the following formula:

There are no units of measurements. The saltier the water, the higher its density. The density also varies according to temperature (it goes down as the temperature goes up). The table overleaf shows the relationship between salinity and density with respect to temperature, which is relatively constant (25-26°C) in aquariums. The density, expressed as specific gravity, a value which is easy to use, is all that is required to calculate salinity: it must range between 1.022 and 1.024.

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ЯШИН (Попов) Александр Яковлевич (1913-68) , русский писатель. Поэмы "Алена Фомина" (1949; Государственная премия СССР, 1950) и др. В сборниках лирики ("Совесть", 1961; "День творенья", 1968) поэзия русского Севера, стремление трезво переосмыслить свой жизненный путь в свете нравственного идеала. В рассказах и повестях ("Рычаги", 1956; "Вологодская свадьба", 1962; "Баба Яга", опубликовано 1985; "В гостях у сына", опубликовано 1987) - осуждение духовного рабства, "двоемыслия", правдивая картина современной деревни.