Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     



These days, more and more aquarists seem to be taking an interest in these animals. Ecologically speaking, invertebrates represent a natural complement to fish and plants; in visual terms, you can put on a spectacle of luminous beauty, particularly in sea water, using anemones and corals, to which can be added small fish, either lively or placid, but always brightly colored. There are also a few species of freshwater mollusks and crustaceans which are easy to keep in captivity, although they are little known and often overlooked.

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ЗЕЙТУНЦЯН Перч Арменакович (р . 1938), армянский писатель. В рассказах и повестях, тяготеющих к жанру притчи, - нравственно-философские проблемы. Книги: "Его первый друг" (1956), "Голоса нашего квартала" (1959), "За Париж" (1965), "Комедия без персонажей" (1975) и др. Пьесы: "Самый грустный человек" (1974), "Легенда разрушенного города" (1975).