Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Chaetodon striatus

Chaetodon striatus

The banded butterfly fish, like the C. capistratus and the C ocellatus, is native to the tropical Atlantic, while the other butterflies come from the Indo-Pacific region. It does not pose any problems once it has become used to small food items (crustaceans and anemones of the Aiptasia genus). Size: 15 cm.

Chaetodon striatus

<< Chaetodon semilarvatus Chaetodon vagabundus >>

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ДИН ЛИН (наст . имя - Цзян Бинчжи) (1907-86), китайская писательница. Реалистические романы "Вэй Ху" (1930), "Солнце над рекой Сангань" (1948; Государственная премия СССР, 1952), повесть "Наводнение" (1931), рассказы, очерки.