Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Monodactylus argenteus

Monodactylus argenteus

The mono begins its life in fresh water, with the juveniles migrating to brackish regions as they mature. The adults are true sea-dwellers. This species requires a large tank with enormous amounts of space for group swimming. A timid species, it prefers live prey or fresh food. A near relative, M. sebae (the fingerfish), is partially herbivorous. When in poor health, or when the water quality is unsuitable, the coloration of both species darkens; normally, the silvery background predominates. Size: 15-18 cm.

Monodactylus argenteus

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© 2007-2024
МАУНТ-ВИЛСОНОВСКАЯ АСТРОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ ОБСЕРВАТОРИЯ (Mount Wilson Observatory) , США, около г. Пасадена. Основана в 1904. Инструменты: 254- и 152-см рефлекторы и др. Исследования: физика Солнца, звезд и внегалактических объектов. В 1949 организационно объединена с Маунт-Паломарской обсерваторией.