Aquarium guide
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Polycentropsis abbreviata

Polycentropsis abbreviata

The African leaf fish really does resemble a leaf - a camouflage used to outwit its enemies. Its deformable mouth means that it can swallow prey measuring up to half its own size. There are several related species; one of them, which belongs to the genus Monocirrhus, swims at an oblique angle, head down, and has a small barbel on its lower jaw. Size: 6-8 cm.

Polycentropsis abbreviata

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ЗАИКИН Иван Михайлович (1880-1948) , российский спортсмен, авиатор. Чемпион России по тяжелой атлетике (1904), затем борец-профессионал. В 1910-х гг. демонстрировал воздушные полеты во многих городах России.