Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Procamburus clarkii

Procamburus clarkii

One crawfish, Procamburus darkii, the Louisiana crawfish, has been imported by a number of countries. It can cause a great deal of damage as it is fossorial and burrows in river banks. It grows quickly (starting to reproduce at the age of 7 or 8 months) and is highly adaptable, as it tolerates a wide range of temperatures and requires little oxygen. Many of the imported specimens come from South-East Asia, where there are red and blue varieties. It is omnivorous and can attack plants and fish, as well as other crustaceans. It is therefore best to keep a single specimen, even if the aquarium is very big and endowed with hiding places. Size: 15 cm.

Procamburus clarkii

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ЛАВРОВ Петр Лаврович (1823-1900) , российский философ, социолог и публицист, один из идеологов революционного народничества. Участник освободительного движения 1860-х гг. В 1868-69 опубликовал "Исторические письма", пользовавшиеся большой популярностью среди революционной молодежи. С 1870 в эмиграции. В 1873-76 редактор журнала "Вперед!", в 1883-86 "Вестника "Народной воли". Сторонник субъективного метода в социологии.