Aquarium guide
Aquarium guide     

Sarcophyton (Alcyoniidae)

Sarcophyton (Alcyoniidae)

When they expel water from their tissues to renew it, they look like leather, hence their name leather corals. They are easy to keep in well-aerated water and they grow quickly. Their color varies according to the concentration of Zooxanthellae present. Their weekly diet consists of a fine choppy of mussels and other seafood. They must be positioned with care in the aquarium, well away from other stinging species. Two leather corals are most commonly found in the aquarium trade: Sarcophyton glaucum and 5. trocheliophorum. Size: 20-30 cm.

Sarcophyton (Alcyoniidae)

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ЮНЬНАНЬСКОЕ НАГОРЬЕ , на юге Китая, западная, более высокая часть Юньнань-Гуйчжоуского нагорья. Высота 1800-2000 м (отдельные хребты до 4000 м). Развит карст. Глубоко расчленено долинами рек Меконг, Салуин, Хонгха. Субтропические леса.